Convert This Unit is a free online tool for converting various units. Whether you're looking to convert inches to millimeters, Fahrenheit to Celsius, meters to feet, or any other units, our converter makes it quick and easy.
Commonly used in manufacturing, engineering, and 3D printing. 1 inch is equal to 25.4 millimeters.
Widely used for cooking, weather forecasts, and more. Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius by subtracting 32 and multiplying by 5/9.
Perfect for road trip planning. 1 mile is approximately 1.60934 kilometers.
Know your weight or calculate shipping costs easily. 1 pound is about 0.453592 kilograms.
Helpful for cooking or measuring fuel. 1 gallon equals about 3.78541 liters.
Convert quickly for sports fields or fabric lengths. 1 yard is about 0.9144 meters.
Useful in everyday measurements. 1 centimeter is about 0.393701 inches.
Crucial for scientific calculations. Kelvin is Celsius plus 273.15.
Another common conversion for building and architecture. 1 foot equals 0.3048 meters.
Perfect for real estate or home projects. 1 square foot is about 0.092903 square meters.
Use our single-page tool to get instant results and copy converted values with a single click.